Thursday, March 13, 2014

Andrew's descent

On this last Saturday Camden and I went to this place called Andrews descent. It’s right off of the blue line under 215 (if anyone cares to stop by ;). It’s part of the oldest part of town as well. I didn’t know what I was excepting it to be but when I walked out of the metro stop and down the road a little we found this windy road that was made of cobble stones and old buildings lining the streets. The buildings were all so beautiful and ordinate. This was something out of a fairy tale story more than anything. I hard a heard time believing that this was in Kiev out of all places. I can easily say this is one of my favorite places in Kiev alone.

After we walked around some, hiked up stairs for views that could take your breath away, and exploring random roads, but we eventually got to the top of the hill where the church was at, Saint Andrews church (in English). This church has been at the top of this hill for over a hundred years and has faced major repairs during this time as well. It was made by an Italian artist who painted the inside of the church as well as helped design it. He only did two churches in this town and the other one I managed to see a month ago.  

When the sun started to set I decided to go home. Camden long ago left me to join his host family for dinner, but I didn't mind walking the streets alone. This past Saturday was a national holiday called women’s day. It celebrates all the women in our lives, not just moms but girls and grandmas as well. I think it’s a fantastic holiday and that the United states should do this instead of mothers day. Normally people give small gifts to women like flowers or chocolate. So because of this before I was about to go home I went to the store and picked out some flowers for my host mom. I also made her a small card to tell her thank you for all that she has done for me. It was a small act of gratitude but I think she really liked it. They also got me something, it was a fancy hair brush that I really like and works well with my hair.
I’m just really grateful that I have such great people in my life like my host family. They are truly great people and I love them.

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